Burack Sylvia K : The writer's handbook / edited by S. Burack.
Buragoahain Jaya : Ceremonial bathing : an aspect of traditional ritualistic performance by the Buddhist Tais of north east India / by Jaya Buragoahain.
Buranasiri Viranod : A Thai perspective of the changing face of Thailands's relationship with its Indochinese neighbours from that of a battlefield into a market place.
Burbank Victoria Katherine : Mortality, mourning and mortuary practices in indigenous Australia / edited by Katie Glaskin, Myrna Tonkinson, Yasmine Musharbash, Victoria Burbank.
Burbidge Frances : The impact of stress on signal detection in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia .
Burbidge Geoffrey : A different approach to cosmology : from a static universe through the big bang towards reality / F. Hoyle, G. Burbidge, and J.V. Narlikar.
Burbulla D C M : Self-tutor for computer calculus using Mathematica 2.0 / D.C.M. Burbulla and C.T.J. Dodson.
Burbure De Wesembeek Albert De : The centenary of the Ostend-Dover Line, 1846-1946 : a contribution to the history of the anglo-continental maritime relations by mailboat service since its origin.
Burch C R : Geology of the country around Barnard Castle.
Burch David 1942 January 16 : Supermarkets and agri-food supply chains : transformations in the production and consumption of foods / edited by David Burch and Geoffrey Lawrence.
Burch Dorothy : A catechisme of the severall heads of Christian religion, : gathered together in question and answer, it being intended onely for private use, but now published for the good and benefit of others, by the importunitie of some friends. By Dorothy Burch, living at Stroud in Kent.