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Author Vrillac, Monsieur de.
Title An epistle sent by Monsievr de Vrillac, advocate in the Parliament of Paris; to Monsievr de Vrillac his father, vpon the occasion of his conuersion. Faithfully translated into English, accoriding to the French copie; By C.C.
Publication Info London : Printed by J. D[awson] for William Sheffard, and are to be sold at the signe of the starre vnder St Peters-Church in Corne-hill, and in Popes-head Alley, 1621.

Descript 20 p.
Note Printer's name from STC.
A translation, by C.C., of a letter written by Monsier de Vrillac.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
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Author Vrillac, Monsieur de.
Series Early English books online.
Subject Catholic Church
Alt author C. C., active 1621.
Descript 20 p.
Note Printer's name from STC.
A translation, by C.C., of a letter written by Monsier de Vrillac.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Author Vrillac, Monsieur de.
Series Early English books online.
Subject Catholic Church
Alt author C. C., active 1621.

Subject Catholic Church
Descript 20 p.
Note Printer's name from STC.
A translation, by C.C., of a letter written by Monsier de Vrillac.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Alt author C. C., active 1621.

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