Callison Candis : Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination : Case Studies of Creative Social Change / ed. by Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro.
Callow James T : Kindred spirits : Knickerbocker writers and American artists, 1807-1855.
Callow John Active 1794 1830 : Catalogus variorum librorum : bibliothecarum selectissimarum Rev. D.D. Sill Ecclesiæ Westmon. nuperrime prebendarij Doct. Vir. D. Cornel. Callow Londinensis generosi. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini, in Ædibus Nigri Cygni ex adverso Australis Porticus Ecclesiæ Cathed. Paulin. in Cæmeterio [sic] D. Paul. 21 die Novemb. 1687. Per Edoardum Millingtonum. Bibliopolam Lond. Catalogues are given by Mr. Fox in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Wilkinson at the Black-boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Miller in St. Paul's Church-yard, Mr. Crouch in Cornhill, booksellers; at the Black-boy Coffee-house in Ave-Mary Lane, and at the above-mentioned place of sale, 1687.
Callow John Ph D : Change the world : the history of Amicus, a union of a new type, 2002-2007 / John Callow.