Catholic Church Diocese Of New York N Y : Acta et decreta Concilii provincialis Neo-Eboracensis IV, in Ecclesia Metropolitana S. Patritii, Neo-Eboraci, a die XXIII ad XXX Septembris AD MDCCCLXXXIII / praeside Joanne McCloskey.
Catholic Church Diocese Of St Andrews Archbishop 1546 1571 Hamilton : The catechisme : that is to say, ane co[m]mon and catholik instructioun of the christin people in materis of our catholik faith and religioun, quhilk na gud christin man or woman suld misknaw: set furth be ye maist reuerend father in God Iohne aschbischop of sanct Androus legatuit and primat of ye kirk of Scotland, in his prouincial counsale haldin at Edinburgh the xxvi. day of Ianuarie, the yeir of our Lord 1551. with the aduise and counsale of the bischoippis and uthir prelatis with doctours of theologie and canon law of the said realme of Scotland present for the tyme.
Catholic Church Diocese Of St Davids Wales : An extent of all the lands and rents of the Lord Bishop of St. David's, made by Master David Fraunceys ... in the time ... of the Lord David Martyn ... Bishop ... in ... 1326; usually called The Black Book of St. David's (British Museum Additional MSS., no. 34125).
Catholic Church Diocese Of Winchester England : The registers of John de Sandale and Rigaud de Asserio, bishops of Winchester (A.D. 1316-1323) / with an appendix of contemporaneous and other illustrative documents by F.J. Baigent.
Catholic Church Episcopal Conference Of England And Wales : Rome '83 : returning the Pope's visit : report from the representatives appointed to visit the Vatican by the British Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Conferences of England and Wales and of Scotland, April 25-29, 1983.
Catholic Church Episcopal Conference Of Scotland : Rome '83 : returning the Pope's visit : report from the representatives appointed to visit the Vatican by the British Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Conferences of England and Wales and of Scotland, April 25-29, 1983.
Catholic Church Liturgy And Ritual Gradual Salisbury : Graduale Sarisburiense : a reproduction in facsimile of a manuscript of the thirteenth century, with a dissertation and historical index / by W.H. Frere.