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Corporate Author Cercle des Geographes Liegeois.
Title Travaux geographiques de Liege / publies avec l'appui du Ministere de l'Education nationale et de la Culture.
Publication Info Liege : Cercle des Geographes Liegeois et Seminaire de Geographie de l'Universite de Liege, 1963-1984.

 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1963, no.146  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1963, no.147  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1964, no.148  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1964, no.149  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1965, no.150  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1966, no.151  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1967, no.152  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1968, no.153  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1968, no.154  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1969, no.155  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: no.146-171, 1963-1983.
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Corporate Author Cercle des Geographes Liegeois.
Alt author France. Ministere de l'education nationale.
Universite de Liege. Seminaire de geographie.
Library Holdings Library has: no.146-171, 1963-1983.
Corporate Author Cercle des Geographes Liegeois.
Alt author France. Ministere de l'education nationale.
Universite de Liege. Seminaire de geographie.
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1963, no.146  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1963, no.147  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1964, no.148  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1964, no.149  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1965, no.150  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1966, no.151  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1967, no.152  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1968, no.153  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1968, no.154  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  G 1 T77  1969, no.155  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: no.146-171, 1963-1983.
Alt author France. Ministere de l'education nationale.
Universite de Liege. Seminaire de geographie.

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