Chambers Peter Active 1652 : They must needs go, that the devil drives: or, a whip for traytors: : comprising, the charge, and articles of impeachment, against all those commissioners, treasurers, exoize-men, clerks, overseers, and surevyors, who have collected great sums of money, cheated the common-wealth of many thousands, oppressed the poor, favour'd the rich; and heap'd up chests of gold and silver for themselves. Also, a declaration to the people, for the taking off all taxes and assesments; and gallant propositions for the increase of trading, relieving the poor, and seting the bondmen free (throughout city and countrey) from rich and cunning assessors, and crafty catch-poles and collectors. Sent in a letter to the Parliament of England; and published by special authority.
Chambers Richard 1583 : Sarahs sepulture, or A funerall sermon : preached for the Right Honourable and vertuous lady, Dorothie Countesse of Northumberland, at Petworth in Sussex. By Richard Chambers Doctor of Diuinitie.
Chambers Robert Minister In Dublin : Several works of Mr. Iohn Murcot, that eminent and godly preacher of the Word, lately of a Church of Christ at Dublin in Ireland. : Containing, I. Circumspect walking, on Eph. 5.15,16. II. The parable of the ten virgins, on Mat. 25. from ver. 1. to ver. 14. III. The sun of righteousness hath healing in his wings for sinners, on Mal. 4.2. IV. Christs willingness to receive humble sinners, on John 6.37. Together with his life and death. / Published by Mr. Winter, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Eaton, Mr. Carryl, and Mr. Manton. With alphabetical tables, and a table of the Scriptures explained throughout the whole.
Chambers Ruth M : Child neglect and service integration in a child welfare system : a comprehensive examination of family needs, services and outcomes.
Chambers Sabine 1560 1633 : The garden of our B. Lady. Or A deuout manner, how to serue her in her rosary. Written by S.C. of the Society of Iesus
Chambers Simone : Alternative conceptions of civil society / edited by Simone Chambers and Will Kymlicka.
Chambers Steph : Tackling teenage pregnancy : sex, culture and needs / Ruth Chambers, Gill Wakley and Steph Chambers with contributions from Anna Brown.