Charest Ben : Belleville rendez-vous [videorecording] / directed by Sylvain Chomet.
Charest Remy 1969 : Robert Lepage : connecting flights / Rémy Charest ; translated from the French by Wanda Romer Taylor ; with a foreword by John Ralston Saul.
Charet Jean : Les conferences de la paix tenues a Bergerac en 1577.
Charette A B Andre B 1961 : Essential reagents for organic synthesis / edited by Philip L. Fuchs, Andre B. Charette, Tomislav Rovis, Jeffrey W. Bode.
Charette Blaine : The theme of recompense in Matthew's Gospel.
Chari Raj S : Understanding EU policy making / Raj S. Chari and Sylvia Kritzinger.
Chari Sharad : The development reader / edited by Sharad Chari and Stuart Corbridge.
Charif Russell A : Acoustic monitoring of large whales off north and west Britain and Ireland : a two-year study, October 1996 - September 1998 / Russell A. Charif, Christopher W. Clark.
Charke Ezekiel : A pretended voice from heaven, proved to bee the voice of man, and not of God. Or, An answer to a treatise, called A voice from heaven, : written by Mr. Gualter Postlethwait, an unordained preacher, taking upon him to exercise the pastoral charge, in a congregation at Lewis in Sussex. Wherein, his weakness, in undertaking to prove all protestant churches to bee antichristian, and to bee separated from, as no true churches of Christ, is discovered; and the sinfulness of such a separation evinced. Together with, a brief answer inserted, to the arguments for popular ordination, brought by the answerers of Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici, in their book called The preacher sent. / By Ezekiel Charke, M.A. and rector of Waldron in Sussex. Imprimatur, Edmond Calamy.