Charles Ii King Of Navarre : Recueil de pieces servant de preuves aux memoires sur les troubles excites en France par Charles II/ publie bar D.F.Secousse.
Charles Iv Holy Roman Emperor 1316 1378 : Karoli IV Imperatoris Romanorum vita ab eo ipso conscripta; et, Hystoria nova de Sancto Wenceslao Martyre = Autobiography of Emperor Charles IV and his Legend of St. Wenceslas / edited by Balazs Nagy and Frank Schaer.
Charles Ix King Of France 1550 1574 : Articles conteining the request presented to the French Kyng by the deputies of the reformed churches of the cou[n]trey of Languedoc and other places adioyning, assembled by His Maiesties commaundement : also an other request to him presented by the persons of the third estate of the cou[n]trey of Prouence, vvith His Maiesties answere to the sayd requests : also an aunswere of the Lord Lodouic Counte of Nassau to the aduertisements giuen him from the Kyng / translated out of French.
Charles J A : Selection and use of engineering materials / J.A. Charles, F.A.A. Crane.
Charles J Andrew : Selection and use of engineering materials / by J.A. Charles, F.A.A. Crane and J.A.G. Furness.
Charles J Daryl 1950 : Between pacifism and Jihad : just war and Christian tradition.
Charles Larry 1956 : Borat [videorecording] : cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan / directed by Larry Charles.
Charles Linda Holden : Math on the wall : problem-solving projects for bulletin board display / Linda Holden ; illustrated by Peter Stein.
Charles Lindsey : Women and work in pre-industrial England / edited by L. Charles and L. Duffin.
Charles River Editors : United States Colored troops : the history and legacy of the black soldiers who fought in the American Civil War / Sean McLachlan & Charles River Editors.
Charles Roanne : Multiple intelligences in practice [electronic resource] : enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom / Mike Fleetham ; [editor: Roanne Charles ; illustrations by: Kate Sheppard.].