Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Middlesex Archdeacon 1616 1620 Go : Articles to be enquired of, within the archdeaconary of Middlesex, by the church-wardens & sworne-men in euery parish, and presentment to be made thereof to the Arch-deacon : with particular answeres vnto euery article.
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Northumberland Archdeacon 1644 Basire : Articles to be enquired of by the ministers and church-wardens of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Northumberland. : Which are given in charge, in the annual visitation of Isaac Basire, D.D. and Arch-Deacon of that jursdiction.
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Rochester : Articles to be inquired of, by the church-wardens and sworn-men, in the visitation holden by the Arch-deacon of Rochester, in the yeere of our Lord Christ, 163[5?]
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Saint Albans : Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and sworn-men, within the archdeaconrie of S. Albones in the diocesse of London an. Dom. 163[blank]
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Salop : Articles to be inquired of in the Arch-deaconrie of Salop within the diocesse of Hereford, in the year 163[9?] : at the visitation of Morgan Godwyn, Doctor of Lawes, Arch-deacon of Salop.
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of Wells : Articles of visitation and inquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical : Exhibted [sic] to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men, of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Wells. In the diocess of Bath and Wells. And is very useful for all the diocesses in England. The tenour of the oath of the church-wardens, and sworn men. You shall swear, that you, and every of you, shall faithfully execute your several offices of church-wardens and side-men, according to law, to the best of your skill and knowledge. So help you God, and the contents of his Holy Gospel.
Church Of England Archdeaconry Of York : Articles to be enquired of within the archdeaconry of Yorke : By the church-wardens and sworne-men in the visitation holden by the arch-deacon of the said arch-deaconry. In the yeare of our Lord God, 1635.
Church Of England Canon Law Commission : The canon law of the Church of England : being the report of the Archbishops' Commission on Canon Law / together with proposals for a revised body of canons; and a memorandum 'Lawful authority' by Justice Vaisey.