Cjc Musical Group : By the new time [sound recording] : a compilation of Irish electro-acoustic music / various artists.
Claar Paul : Machine design for mobile and industrial applications / by Gary W. Krutz, John K. Schueller, and Paul W. Claar.
Claasen D Van R : The application of digital remote sensing techniques in coral reef, oceanographic and estuarine studies; report on a regional Unesco/COMAR/GBRMPA, Townsville, Australia, August 1985 / edited by D. Van R. Claasen.
Clad James : Behind the myth : business, money and power in Southeast Asia.
Cladwell Brian J : Creating an excellent school / Hedley Beare, Brian J. Caldwell and Ross H. Millikan.
Claerbergen Ernst Vegelin Van : Renoir at the theatre : looking at La loge / edited by Ernst Vegelin van Claerbergen and Barnaby Wright ; essays by John House, Nancy Ireson and Aileen Ribeiro ; catalogue by John House ... [et al.].
Claerbout Jon F : Fundamentals of geophysical data processing, with applications to petroleum prospecting.
Claes Beda : De sociale integratie van te Italiaanse en Poolse immigranten in Belgisch-Limburg.
Claesen Luc J M : Formal VLSI specification and synthesis : VLSI design methods-1 : proceedings of the IFIP WG 10.2/WG 10.5 International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods for Correct VLSI Design sponsored by IMEC, Houthalen, Belgium, 13-16 November, 1989 / edited by Luc J.M. Claesen.
Claesges Ulrich : Darstellung des erscheinenden Wissens : systematische Einleitung in Hegels Phanomenologie des Geistes.
Claessens Bart : Towards a new ethical framework for a legal profession in transition? : proceedings of the European Conference on Ethics and the Legal Profession, held at the Ghent University (Belgium) on 25 and 26 October 2001 / Koen Raes and Bart Claessens, editors.