Clarke Stephen 1941 : Social work as community development : a management model for social change.
Clarke Stephen James : Homelessness and young single people : how is access to housing limited and how far does government policy attribute to the housing crisis?
Clarke Thomas Seminarie Priest Of The English College At Rheims : The recantation of Thomas Clarke (sometime a Seminarie Priest of the English Colledge in Rhemes; and nowe by the great mercy of God conuerted vnto the profession of the gospell of Iesus Christ) made at Paules Crosse, after the sermon made by Master Buckeridge preacher, the first of Iuly, 1593. Whereunto is annexed a former recantation made also by him in a publique assembly on Easter day, being the 15. of April, 1593
Clarke William 1640 1684 : The natural history of nitre, or, A philosophical discourse of the nature, generation, place, and artificial extraction of nitre, with its vertues and uses / by William Clarke.
Clarke William Active 17th Century : The rest-less ghost, or, Wonderful news from Northamptonshire and Southwark : being a most true and perfect account of a persons appearance that was murdered above two hundred and fifty years ago : first about three weeks since, to one William Clarke at Hennington in Northhampton-shire, whom it appointed to meet in Southwark, and did there appear to him again, and several others on Sunday last, the 10th of this instant January : where it discovered a great parcel of money, and some writings buried in the ground, which were disposed off by his order, and then seeming satisfied it disappeared : this relation is taken from the said Will. Clarks own mouth who came to London on purpose, and will be attested and justified by Will. Stubbins, Iohn Charlton, and John Steven, to be spoken with any day, at the Castle Inn without Smith Field-Barrs, and many others.
Clarke William C : Place and people : an ecology of a New Guinean community.
Clarke William Eagle : The birds of Yorkshire : being a historical account of the avi-fauna of the county.
Clarke William H 1829 1871 : Travels and explorations in Yorubaland, 1854-1858 / by William H. Clarke ; edited and with an introd. by J. A. Atanda.