Clever William Schoolmaster : A knowledge for kings, and a warning for subiects : conteyning the moste excellent and worthy history of the Raellyans peruerted state, and gouernment of their common wealth: no lesse rare, then strange ... First written in Latine, by Iames Glaucus a Germaine: and now translated into enlgish by VVilliam Cleuer scholemaster. By speciall recorde, this monument was two thousande yeares of antiquity: and so dusked and forworne with age, that being in a plaine writte[n] letter, could scarce be read ... I with my painefull indeuour haue now renewed it into fresh memorye.
Clever William Writer On Physic : The flower of phisicke : VVherein is perfectlie comprehended a true introduction and method for mans assured health: with three bookes of philosophie for the due temperature of mans life. In which easily may be perceiued the high & wonderfull workes of God in the gouernance of all thinges. Written by W.C. as a glasse of true knowledge for the better direction of al willing [et] vertuous practitioners.
Cleverdon Julia : Educating for a characterful society : responsibility and the public good / James Arthur, Julia Cleverdon, Nicky Morgan, James O'Shaughnessy and Anthony Seldon.
Cleves Rachel Hope 1975 : Charity and Sylvia : a same-sex marriage in early America / Rachel Hope Cleves.
Cleves School Newham London England : Learning and inclusion : the Cleves School experience / edited by Priscilla Alderson ; written by staff and pupils of the Cleves School, Newham, London.
Clewer Cynthia R : Foroysk-ensk ordabok = Faroese-English dictionary, with Faroese folk-lore and proverbs and a section by ... W.B. Lockwood on Faroese pronunciation / compiled by G.V.C. Young and C.R. Clewer.
Clewes Dorothy : Wilberforce and the slaves / Dorothy Clewes ; illustrated by Peter Edwards.
Clichtove Josse : Josse Clichtove, l'humanisme et la reforme du clerge.
Click Melissa A 1971 : Bitten by Twilight : youth culture, media, & the vampire franchise / edited by Melissa A. Click, Jennifer Stevens Aubrey, & Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz.
Clieland William : To His Grace, His Majesties High Commissioner: and the right honourable lords of their Majesties thesaurie and exchequer. : William Clieland Usher--Depute, humbly sheweth, ...