Cottle Daniel : Anaesthetics for junior doctors and allied professionals : the essential guide / edited by Daniel Cottle and Shondipon Laha ; foreword by Peter Nightingale.
Cottle David : The SuperCollider book / edited by Scott Wilson, David Cottle, and Nick Collins.
Cottle Dianne : The art of the creative entrepreneur / Dianne Cottle ; edited by Amanda Duncombe-Shafto and Christine Ward.
Cottle Drew : Cocaine, death squads, and the war on terror : U.S. imperialism and class struggle in Colombia / Oliver Villar and Drew Cottle.
Cottle E : Social studies in the secondary school.
Cotton Board Conference Harrogate 1952 : Single and double day shift working in the cotton industry : a paper given at the Cotton Board Conference,Harrogate,1952. / By H.A.Clegg assisted by E.J.Cleary.
Cotton Helen : Where the water meets the sky [videorecording] / directed by David Eberts.
Cotton Henry : A typographical gazetteer / 2nd edition corrected and mucOxford.
Cotton Henry Bishop Of Salisbury : Articles to bee enquired of, by the churchwardens and sworne men, within the diocesse of Sarum, in the visitation of the reuerend father in God Henry, Lord Bishop of Sarum : in his first generall visitation, holden in the 41. yeare of the raigne of our most gracious soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of Englande, France and Ireland, defendor of the faith, &c.
Cotton Joannes : Hucbald, Guido and John on music : three medieval treatises / translated [from the Latin] by W. Babb; edited, with introductions by C.V. Palisca ...
Cotton John 1640 1699 : Upon the death of that aged, pious, sincere-hearted Christian, John Alden, Esq. : late magistrate of New-Plimouth Colony, who died Sept. 12th, 1687, being about eighty nine years of age.
Cotton John 1658 1710 : A meet help, or, A wedding sermon : preached at New-Castle in New-England, June 19th 1694, at the marriage of Mr. John Clark, and Mrs. Elizabeth Woodbridge / by Mr. John Cotton.
Cotton Macarthur : The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party: "A Real Democratic Process" [electronic resource] / Series Editor Joseph Brandon Johnson, Produced by Natalie Bullock Brown
Cotton Maggie : Agogo bells to xylophone : a friendly guide to classroom percussion instruments.
Cotton Matthew C : Empathetic education : an ecological perspective on educational knowledge / Ronald S. Laura and Matthew C. Cotton.