Courten William 1642 1702 : To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty the humble peticion of William Courten, esquire, grandchild and heyre of Sr. William Courten, deceased : and George Carew, esquire, administrator of the goods and chattells of Sr. William Courten on the behalf of themselves and several others, your Majesties good subjects of England.
Courten William 1655 : A Brief abstract and narrative of the several spoils, depredations, losses and damages, suffered by Sir William Courten, Sir Paul Pyndar, and William Courten Esq.; deceased, : annexed to a petition of the proprietors and creditors, depending in Parliament.
Courtenay Foster : The maid of Athens / libretto by Charles Edmund and Chance Newton, lyrics by Charles Edmund and Adrian Ross, music by F. Osmond Carr.
Courtenay John 17381816 : A poetical review of the literary and moral character of the late Samuel Johnson, 1786.