Cunningham Thomas 1604 1670 : Explication, of - Thrissels - banner : Containing a brief interpretation & declaration, of the forme & fashion thereof, as also of the matter therein expressed.
Cunningham Thomas K : The effect of environmental, physical, and nutritional factors on in vitro fertilisation.
Cunningham Tim : Big stories, small flashes [videorecording] : 9 short films by 9 new directors.
Cunningham William Bannerman : Canada, the Commonwealth and the Common Market; report of the 1962 Summer institute, Mount Allison University / ed. by W.B. Cunningham.
Cuomo Glenn R : National socialist cultural policy / edited by Glenn R. Cuomo.
Cuomo Mario M 1932 2015 : Lincoln on democracy / edited and introduced, and with a new pref. by Mario M. Cuomo and Harold Holzer ; with essays by Gabor S. Boritt [and others] ; afterword by Frank J. Williams.
Cupaiuolo Giovanni : Bibliografia terenziana (1470-1983) / a cura di G. Cupaiuolo.
Cupei Jurgen : Vermeidung von Wettbewerbs-verzerrurgen innerhalb der EG durch UVP? : eine vergleichende Analyse der Umsetzung der UVP-Richtlinie in Frankreich, Grossbritannien und ddedn Niederlanden.