Cuylenburgh Aemilius Van 1650 1704 : In VVilhelmum magnum, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, regem serenissimum, potentissimum defensorem fidei ex Belgiis reducem & triumphantem incomparabilem heroem, Heroica oratio : heroicis carminibus post recuperatam & victam urbem & arcem namuriensem die 24 Octobris St. V. 1695,in S. Jacobi sacells ... publice recitata à Sacræ Majestati ... / Æmilio a Cuilemborg ...
Cuyvers Luc 1954 : Sea power : a global journey / text and photography by Luc Cuyvers.
Cuzik David : Who were the Vikings? / Jane Chisholm & Struan Reid ; illustrated by David Cuzik ; designed by Vicki Groombridge ; edited by Phil Roxbee Cox ; history consultant : Anne Millard.
Cuzin Jean Pierre : Jean-Honore Fragonard : life and work : complete catalogue of the oil paintings / [translated from the French by A. Zielonka (text) and K.-M. Mooney (catalogue)].
Cwiertniak Frank : Snowtown [videorecording] / directed by Justin Kurzel
Cwikel Michael : Function spaces and applications : proceedings of the US-Swedish Seminar held in Lund, Sweden, June 15-21, 1986 / M. Cwikel ... [et al.] [eds.].