Darbison William : William Darbison (on the demise of Thomas Long) plaintiff, and John Beaumont and Dorothy his wife are defendants. : Upon a writ of error brought by the plantiff [sic] to reverse a judgment in the Exchequer chamber, whereby a former judgment which was given for the plantiff [sic] in the Court of Exchequer on a special verdict in ejectment stands reversed. The plantiff [sic] in errors case
Darblay Players : War poems ... [with] The D'Arblay Players.
Darbon A : Essai sur les éléments principaux de la représentation / par O. Hamelin ; deuxième édition avec références et notes par A. Darbon.
Darbon Leslie : Under the gooseberry bush / by Leslie Darbon and Peter Whelan ; directed by Michael Malnick.
Darbord Bernard : Libro de los gatos / edition avec introduction et notes par B. Darbord ...
Darbord Michel : La poesie religieuse espaggnole des rois catholiques a Philippe II.
Darborne Richard : The poor man's comfort / edited by Jane Kingsley-Smith.
Darbre A : Practical protein chemistry : a handbook.
Darby Charls : The churches and ministery of England, true churches and true ministery. : Cleared, and proved, in a sermon / preach'd the 4th of May at Wiviliscombe; before a numerous congregation assembled together to hear the opposition, which had been long threatned to be made that day, by Mr Collier and others of his party, who, with the greatest strength the West would afford them, were present at the sermon. Wherein were these five things undeniably proved: 1. That a mixture of prophane and scandalous persons with reall saints, is not inconsistent with the Church of God or a true church. ... 5. And then, they also must needs be guilty, who forsake true churches and a lawfull ministry, to follow and hear unsent preachers. By Francis Fullwood minister of the Gospel at Staple Fitzpane in the county of Somerset. Before it there is an epistle and preface, shewing the manner, and a narrative subjoyned shewing the substance of the dispute after the sermon, (both which lasted nine hours.) Set forth by the ministers that were at the dispute, and attested under their hands.
Darby Jane : World inflation since 1950 : an international comparative study / by A.J. Brown assisted by J. Darby.
Darby Jaye T : Critical companion to native American and first nations theatre and performance : indigenous spaces / Jayne T. Darby, Courtney Elkin Mohler, and Christy Stanlake.
Darby John 1624 Or 5 1704 : Tuesday, July 24, 1683 : Whereas one Thomas Fox bookseller of Westminster, has published an advertisement, insinuating, as if that speech and paper of my Lord Russell's printed by me, was not true, and doth pretend to publish a more perfect one, together with the speeches of Walcot, Hone and Rouse in five sheets sold for six pence : this is to give notice ... / John Darby.
Darcie Grace Lady : To the honorable assembly of the Commons House in Parliament : the humble petition of Dame Grace Darcie, widow, mother, and one of the committes of the body and lands of Edward Darcie, Esquire, His Maiesties warde.
Darcovich Nancy : Literacy skills for the knowledge society : further results from the International Adult Literacy Survey.
Darcy Alexander : The awful truth / produced and directed by Leo McCarey.
Darcy Anne Marie : Studies in late Medieval and early Renaissance texts in honour of John Scattergood : 'The key of all good remembrance' / Anne Marie D'Arcy & Alan J. Fletcher, editors.