Deacon Brian : A zed and two noughts [videorecording] / directed by Peter Greenaway.
Deacon Carole Lynne : Social geography of recent British coal mining : with special reference to housing on the eastern margins of the central coalfield.
Deacon Christopher : Emily : poetry / ed C.Deacon,D.C.Litchfield and P.Nagl.
Deacon Graham Edwin : On the possibility of intelligent machine behaviour or why bodies are useful.
Deacon Harriet : The Island : a history of Robben Island, 1488-1990 / edited by Harriet Deacon.
Deacon J John : The charitable physitian, his hand extended to the curing of that contagious disease called the flux, or griping of the guts : with other the most violent distempers now reigning amongst us, also their symptomes, whereby they are known ... / by J. Deacon.
Deacon J Presbyter Of The Church Of England : The fathers vindicated, or, Animadversions on a late Socinian book entitul'd The judgment of the Fathers touching the Trinity, against Doctor Bull's Defence of the Nicene faith / by a presbyter of the Church of England.
Deacon John Active 1585 1616 : Dialogicall discourses of spirits and divels : declaring their proper essence, natures, dispositions, and operations, their possessions and dispossessions : with other the appendantes, peculiarly appertaining to those speciall points, verie conducent, and pertinent to the timely procuring of some Christian conformitie in iudgement, for the peaceable compounding of the late sprong controuersies concerning all such intricate and difficult doubts / by [brace] Iohn Deacon, Iohn Walker...
Deacon Lynda : Understanding perpetrators, protecting children : a practitioner's guide to working effectively with child sexual abusers / Lynda Deacon & Bryan Gocke.
Deacon Peter : Paintings and drawings 1973-75 catalogue of an exhibition held at the University Art Gallery.
Deacon Pudentiana 1581 1645 : Delicious entertainments of the soule written by the holy and most reuerend Lord Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneua. Translated by a Dame of our Ladies of comfort of the order of S. Bennet in Cambray
Deacon Rich : At the Committee of Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, the 9th day of March 1653.