Edwards W Mr : Four tracts : I. A discourse against revenge, (shewing the exorbitant passions in man) from Mat. V. 21, 22. II. Questions and answers concerning the two religions; viz. that of the Church of England, and the other of the Church of Rome. Intended for the use and benefit of the younger sort of people. III. An account of an evening-conference with a Jesuite in the Savoy, Jan. 22. IV. A disswasive from popery, being a letter to a lady to preserve her from apostacy from the communion of the Church of England. By A. Horneck, D.D. late prebendary of Westminster, and preacher at the Savoy. With a preface by Mr. Edwards.
Edwards W T : Social psychology : theories and discussions.
Edwards Ward 1927 2005 : Decision making : selected readings / edited by W. Edwards and A. Tversky.
Edzard J E : The finger of God over his anointed : a sermon preached to the German Lutheran congregation in Trinity-lane, in their vulgar tongue, on Thursday the 16th of April, being the appointed day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the miraculous discovery and disappointment of the late horrid conspiracy against His Majesty's most sacred person and government / by J.E. Edzard ... ; translated from the original.
Edzardi Sebastiani 1673 1736 : Jacobi patriarchæ de Shiloh vaticinium a depravatione Johannis Clerici : in Pentateuchum commentatoris / assertum opera & studio Sebastiani Edzardi ; accedit ejusdem Dissertatio de nomine Elohim auctori judicii de R. Simonii historia V. test: Critica opposita.
Eed Nich : One blow at the feet of the imposing formal Quaker's image: or, Rather an epistle of love and good will to them, : to shew them their great weakness (if not folly) in saying thee and thou ... / writ by Nich. Eed ...
Eeden Ed Van : Literaire smaakmakers : uitgevers en hun favoriete boeken.
Eedle Sue : Civilian deaths in the anti-ISIS bombing campaigns, 2014-2015 / written by Sue Eedle and Mark Lattimer, with additional research by Miriam Puttick.
Eeds Judith : A warning to all the inhabitants of the earth where this shall come, but especially to those that are called magistrates or rulers, and so pretend to bear a sword of justice for the punishment of evil-doers : these are those things which hath been laid upon me from the great Jehovah as his commands to you, and they are as followeth.
Eeghen Isabella H : Seven letters by Rembrandt / edited by H Gerson; transcription by I.H. van Eeghen.