England And Wales Committee For The Army : The report of the Committee of the Army upon a reference from His Highness, in a case depending between Francis Farrington Plaintiff, and VVilliam Chamberlaine defendant. : At the Committee for the Army, May 18. 1656.
England And Wales Committee Of The Navy : Severall orders of the House of Commons and Committee of the Navie; : with the proceedings thereupon, touching the discovery and prevention of transportation of gold and silver: with other abuses practised upon the coyn and bullion of the kingdom.
England And Wales Court Of Chivalry : To the High and Noble Prince, Henry, duke of Norfolk, earl marshal of England, in Court of Chivalry. : The humble petition of James Percy, cozen and next heir male to Josceline Percy, late-earl of Northumberland, deceas'd, and claimant to the title, honour and dignity of earl of Northumberland ...
England And Wales Court Of Oyer And Terminer And General Gaol Delivery Lond : The tryal of Capt. Thomas Wallcot, for high-treason in conspiring to compass the death of His Majesty, and to subvert the government. : Who was tryed this 12th. of July, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayley, and there found guilty of the said high-treason. Being an impartial relation of the most materials during the said tryal. As likewise what occurred in relation to James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Grey, and others.
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Derby : The tryal and condemnation of George Busby for high-treason : as a Romish priest and Jesuite, upon the statute of 27 Eliz., Cap.2, at the assizes and general goal-delivery held at Derby, for the county of Derby, the 25th day of July, in the 33th year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second, &c : before the Honourable Sir Thomas Street, Knight, one of the barons of His Majesties exchequer / as it was faithfully taken, by a person of quality.
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Guildhall : Guildhald. Civit. Exon. Ad general. Session. Pacis tent. apud Guildhaldam civitat. prædict. in & pro civitat. & com. civitat. Exon, decimo sexto die Aprilis, anno regni dom. nostri Caroli secundi dei gratia Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, regis, fidei defensor. &c. tricessimo quinto, annoque Dom. 1683..
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Somerset : The case of our English wool, and the manufacture thereof truly stated. : Together with some of the causes of the low price of the one, and decaying condition of the other. As also the presentment of the grand jury of the county of Sommerset thereon. / Humbly offered to the High Court of Parliament.
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Southampton : Southt. ss. Ad General. Quarterial. Session. Pacis Domini Regis tent. pro com. prædict. apud Castrum Winton. in com. prædict. die Martis octavo die Octobris anno regni Regis Caroli Secundi tricesimo coram Carolo Domino De la Warr, Hugone Stewkeley, baronett. Carolo Lee, mil. Thoma Cole, ar. Olivero St. Johnm, ar. Willielmo Wither, ar. & aliis justiciariis, &c.
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Suffolk : A tryal of witches at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds for the count of Suffolk on the tenth day of March, 1664 [i.e 1665] : before Sir Matthew Hale, Kt., then Lord Chief Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchequer / taken by a person then attending the court.
England And Wales Court Of Quarter Sessions Of The Peace Yorkshire : Ad general' quarterial' session pacis domini Regis & dominæ Reginæ tent' apud Skipton per adjour' & prale West-Rid. com. præd. decimo quarto die Augusti anno regni Domini & Dominæ Willielmi & Mariæ dei gra' Angl' Scot' Franc' & Hiber' Regis & Reginæ fidei defensor' &c. : Sexto ac per adjour' apud Leeds decimo sexto die Augusti præd' ac per adjour' apud Rotheram vicesimo primo die Augusti praed. Coram Honorabili Henrico Fairfax armiger', Johanne Kay, Lyon Pilkinton ... armiger; & aliis soriis suid justic' decor' Domini Regis & Dominæ Reginæ ad p[] in & pro le West-Ryd. Com' praed. conseruand' assignat, &c.
England And Wales Court Of Sewers Lincolnshire England : Instructions for jury-men on the Commission of Sewers : shewing, 1. what they are to surveigh and view, 2. what to enquire and present, 3. how, delivered in a charge to 3 several juries at a session of Sewers holden at Spalding in the county of Lincoln : to which is added two other charges, the one concerning Lovell's works the other touching the river of Glean in the said county.
England And Wales Court Of The Kings Bench : The proceedings upon the bayling the L. Brondon [sic] Gerrard, Rich. Hambden Jun. Esq; Joh. Trenchard, Esq; Fr. Charlton the Elder, Major Wildman, & Hen. Booth, Esq : lately committed to the Tower, as persons concerned in the late conspiracy against the life of the King, and to subvert the government, who were the 28th of this instant November, 1683. bailed before the judges of his Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, and thereupon discharged from their confinements in the Tower, &c.
England And Wales Ecclesiastical Commission 1686 : An exact account of the whole proceedings against the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor and the other ecclesiastical commissioners
England And Wales High Court Of Justice For The Trying And Judging Of Charl : A true copy of the journal of the High Court of Justice, for the tryal of K. Charles I : as it was read in the House of Commons, and attested under the hand of Phelps, clerk to that infamous court / taken by J. Nalson ... Jan. 4, 1683 ; with a large introduction.