England And Wales Lord Protector 1653 1648 O Cromwell : An ordinance for the better ordering and disposing the estates under sequestration. : Fryday, 10 February, 1653. / Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector and his council, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobell clerk of the council.
England And Wales Oxford Parliament : A list of the names of the Long Parliament, anno 1640. : Likewise of the Parliament holden at Oxford. As also of the three ensuing Parliaments holden at Westminster in the years, 1653. 1654. 1656. (And of the late Parliament, dissolved April, 22. 1659.) With a catalogue of the Lords of the other house.
England And Wales Parliament 1648 House Of Commons : A proclamation for tryall of the King ... : With the proceedings of the High Court of Justice against him. Also an Act of the House of Commons for further prosecution against the King : Die Martis 9 Januar. 1648 ...
England And Wales Parliament Attributed Name : The Parliaments declaration concerning the Kings most Excellent Majesty. : With the Kings Majesties determination concerning the Parliament. Published by His Majesties speciall command and ordered to be printed and published. Hen. Elsing Cler. Parl. D. Com.
England And Wales Parliament Commission For Ireland : By the commissioners from the Parliament of England : whereas wee have received information that not onely divers souldiers of the Army, but severall disordered and loose persons, exact contribution or free quarters at their pleasure ...
England And Wales Parliament Commissioners For Indempnity : The humble petition and appeal of John Fielder of Kingston Miller, : to the Parliament of the Common-vvealth of England. Wherein is shewn the palpable, unjust and illegal proceedings of the Committee of Indempnity, through the false and scandalous suggestions and informations of Richard Lidgold and John Child, late bailiffs of the said town; Nathanlell [sic] Ward cunstable, & Richard Baylie jayler, as it was humbly presented to the Honourable the Parliament of England Fryday the 4. of July 1651. Wherein contrary to the declaration of Parliament, April 17. 1646. they have intermedled with this suite of private interest, not only else where determinable; (but determined) by a jury of 12. men of the neighbourhood, they having had the opinion and direction of the judge at the assises in Southwark for the county of Surrey, and judgment and execution thereupon issued forth. As it was managed by Mr. Thomas Latham, and Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn, before the judges of assizes, & before the said Committee of Indempnity, being of councel for the said Fielder, whose arguments for peoples freedoms granted unto them by the lawes of England, is excellently worth reading.
England And Wales Parliament Committe For Corporations : A nevv-yeers-gift for England, and all her cities, ports, and corporations, and all such therein who are fit for the same, and desire it. Or, A gift of God to the wise, this new yeer 1653 to make them a free Commonweatlh, if that they pursue therein. : It being a caveat to the reserved, unconstant, ambodextrous engagers with this Commonwealth and present government, who being unstable in all their ways, and are burthenous thereunto. Also, an incitement to the commonalty & free-born people of England, ... Here is also added two letters which have relation or dependence on the Parliaments order, and a letter sent to the several companies of London ....
England And Wales Parliament Committee For Advance Of Money : Octobris 6. 1643. : At the Committee of Lords and Commons for advance of money, &c. and citizens appointed by Common Councill, for the furthering the present payment of the fifty subsidies.
England And Wales Parliament Committee For The Affaires Of Ireland : Die veneris, 5. Ianuar. 1643, Committee for the Affaires of Ireland : whereas by order of the House of Commons, and the orders of this committee, there have been severall meetings appointed to be had at Grocers-hall in London for considering of and carrying on the affaires of Ireland ...
England And Wales Parliament House Of Commons Committee Of Secrecy : A Collection of letters and other writings relating to the horrid Popish Plot : printed from the originals in the hands of George Treby, Esq., chairman of the Committee of Secrecy of the honourable House of Commons ; published by order of that House.
England And Wales Parliament Privy Council : To the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy Councel. : The humble address and petition of the creditors and legatees of Sir William Courten and his Son, and of Sir Paul Pyndar; together with their partners and adventurers to the East Indies, China and Japan..
England And Wales Parliament Proceedings 1652 : A declaration of the commoners of England, to His Excellency the Lord General Cromwel: : concerning the crown, government, liberty, and priviledges of the people; and the setting of the land free from all taxes, slavery, and oppressions; according to the engagements, vowes, and promises, both of officers and souldiers. Likewise his excellencies resolution, to remove all burdens and oppressions from the people; to advance trading; to pluck down tyanny [sic]; and to purge and cast out all those, who are enemies to the peace and freedom of this nation. Ordered to be forthwith printed and published; and appointed to be sent into all counties in England and Wales.