England And Wales Sovereign 1661 1685 Charles Ii : By the King. A proclamation for the calling in all moneys of gold and silver coyned or stamped with the cross and harp, and the circumscription, the Commonwealth of England; and for making the same to be current onely to the first of December next, and no longer..
England And Wales Sovereign 1694 1694 William : The treaty betwixt the most Christian King, the King of Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces : for settling the succession of the crown of Spain, and the dominions thereunto belonging, in case his Catholick Majesty die without issue. In English and French.
England Court Of Common Pleas : Saturday the 25 of February, 1653. By the judges appointed by act of Parliament for relief of creditors and poor prisoners, sitting at Salters Hall, London..
England John : Forever England : an autobiography of John England.
England John Active 17th Century 18th Century : Man's sinfulness and misery by nature : asserted and opened in several sermons on Ephes. 2, verses 1, 2, 3 : designed chiefly for the unconverted : whereunto is added a disputation concerning the headship of Adam and Christ / by John England ...