Equal Rights International : A memorandum showing the connection between the status of women and the relations between countries together with the formation of the Equal Rights International to obtain the Equal Rights Treaty.
Equipe Daccueil Moyen Age Renaissance Baroque : Sources et fontaines du Moyen Âge à l'âge baroque : actes du colloque tenu à l'Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III) les 28, 29 et 30 novembre 1996 / [organisé par l'] Equipe d'accueil Moyen Âge-Renaissance-Baroque.
Equipe De Recherches Interdisciplinaires Sur Elsa Triloet Et Aragon : L'atelier d'un écrivain : le XIX siècle d'Aragon : actes du colloque tenu à l'ENS Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon, 13, 14, 15 décembre 2001 / ouvrage coordonnée par Édouard Béguin et Suzanne Ravis ; organisé par le Centre d'études Poétiques de l'ENS dirigé par Jean-Marie Gleize, et par l'Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur Elsa Triolet et Aragon.
Equipe De Recherches Interdisciplinaires Sur Elsa Triolet Et Aragon : Elsa Triolet : un écrivain dans le siècle : actes du colloque international, 15-17 novembre 1996, Maison Elsa Triolet - Aragon - Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines / coordonné par Marianne Gaudric-Delfranc ; préface de Michel Apel-Muller.
Equitable Gallery New York N Y : The Dutch in the Americas, 1600-1800 : a narrative history with the catalogue of an exhibition of rare prints, maps, and illustrated books from the John Carter Brown Library / by Wim Klooster.
Erasmus Organization : The family, the state and the child : papers from the Four Nation Conference, September 1992 / edited by G. Bradley and K. Wilson.
Erasmus Theuns : Sandy beaches as ecosystems : based on the proceedings of the First International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, held in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 17-21 January, 1983 / edited by A. McLachlan and T. Erasmus.
Erastophil : An apology for lovers, or, A discourse of the antiquity and lawfulnesse of love / by Erastophil, no proselyte, but a native of that religion.
Erastus Thomas 1542 1583 : The nullity of church-censures: or A dispute / written by that illustrious philosopher, expert physician, and pious divine Dr Thomas Erastus, publick professor in the University of Heidelbertge, and Basil. Wherein is proved by the holy Scriptures, and sound reason; that excommunication, and church-senates or members, exercising the same, are not of divine institution; but a meere humane invention.
Eratosthenes : Aratou Soleōs Phainomena kai diosēmeia / Theōnos scholia Eratosthenous Katasterismoi ... Dionysiou Ymnoi. Accesserunt annotationes in Eratosthenem et hymnos Dionysii.
Eratt William 1655 Or 6 1702 : Anabaptism considered : Wherein the chief objections of that sect against infant-baptism, and the manner of baptizing by aspersion, or sprinkling, are fairly stated and answered; and reasons given why dipping is not to be taken as the essential or necessary mode of administration. In a familiar letter of advice to a parishioner inclining that way. By William Eratt, M.A. and minister of Hatfield near Doncaster.