Evers J J M : Linear programming over an infinite horizon.
Evers Knut : Studien zu den Vorlagen des schwedischen Neuen Testaments vom Jahre 1526.
Evers Norman : The analysis of drugs and chemicals.
Evers Sandra : Eviction from the Chagos Islands : displacement and struggle for identity against two world powers / edited by Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Marry Kooy.
Eversley David : Friends in life and death : the British and Irish Quakers in the demographic transition, 1650-1900 / Richard T. Vann and David Eversley.
Eversley David E C : The overspill problem in the West Midlands / C.E.D. Eversley and D.M.R. Keate.
Everson Guy R : Far, far from home : the wartime letters of Dick and Tally Simpson, Third South Carolina Volunteers / edited by Guy R. Everson and Edward H. Simpson, Jr.
Everson Howard T : The design of instruction and evaluation : affordances of using media and technology / edited by Mitchell Rabinowitz, Fran C. Blumberg, Howard T. Everson.
Everson Inigo : Krill : biology, ecology and fisheries / edited by Inigo Everson.
Evertson Cornelius : A relation of the sea fight between the united fleets of the English and Dutch, against the French, : as it was sent to the States General, by Admiral Evertsen, and published by their authority at the Hague in the monthly accounts of July last.
Every John : Speculum mercativum, or, The young merchants glass : wherein are exact rules of all weights, coins, measures, exchanges, and other matters necessary used in commerce : as also variety of merchants accompts after the Italian-vvay of debitor and creditor, in factorage, partnership and barter : likewise the method of keeping pursers book / by John Every ...
Eves David : Disasters [electronic resource] : learning the lessons for a safer world / David Eves.
Eves David Andrew : Teacher appraisal : an exploration of developments in Humberside and its relation to national guidelines and recommendations.
Eves George 1613 Or 14 1667 : The churches patience and faith in afflictions. : Delivered in a sermon at the funerall of the right worshipfull, and vertuous Cecilia Lady Peyton, October, 30. In the parish church of Southfleet in Kent. / By George Eves, rector of Hartley, neare adjoyning thereunto.