Foster William Henry 1963 : Gender, mastery and slavery : from European to Atlantic world frontiers / William Henry Foster.
Foster William M : Handbook of historical methods for management [electronic resource] / edited by Stephanie Decker, William M. Foster, Elena Giovannoni.
Foster William Professor Of Chemistry Princeton University : Considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston and the decomposition of water, by. J. Priestley, and two lectures on combustion and examination of Doctor Priestley's considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston by J. Maclean; edited / by W. Foster.
Foster William S : Handbook of Municipal Administration and Engineering. W.S. Foster / W.S. Foster. editor.
Fotherby Martin Bishop Of Salisbury 1559 1619 : Articles to be enquired of, vvithin the Diocesse of Sarisbury, in the first visitation of the right reuerend father in God, Martin, by the prouidence of God, Lord Bishoppe of Sarum : holden in the yeere of our Lord God, 1619.
Fotherby Valerie : Aspects of the life and work of Sir Albert Kaye Rollit, with particular reference to education.
Fothergill Charles : The diary of Charles Fothergill, 1805 : an itinerary to York, Flamborough and the north-western dales of Yorkshire.
Fothergill J E : The uptake of welfare foods : report of an inquiry carried out by the Social Survey.
Fothergill John 1676 1744 : An account of the life and travels in the work of the ministry of John Fothergill ; to which are added divers epistles to Friends in Great Britain and America, on various occasions.
Fothergill Samuel 1715 1772 : Memoirs of the life and gospel labours of Samuel Fothergill, with selections from his correspondence ; Also an account of the life and travels of his father, John Fothergill, and notices of some of his descendants / by George Crosfield.
Fothergill Thomas Active 1653 : The deep sighes and sad complaints of some late souldiers in Captain Needhams troop, in Colonel Hackers regiment, for wanting of justice and judgement. : To our brethren and fellow-bondslaves, who as yet are compelled to gather straw, and make up your taile of brick, and hath no ease nor abatement in your burdens, we do complain.
Fotheringham J G : The diplomatic correspondence of Jean de Montereul and the brothers de Bellievre,1645-48 / ed with an English translation,introd and notes by J.G.Fotheringham.
Foti G : Surface modification and alloying by laser, ion and electron beams : proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Surface Modification and Alloying, held August 24-28, in Trevi, Italy.
Foti Klara : Alleviating poverty : analysis and recommendations 2000-2002 : human development report : Hungary, 2000-2002 / edited by Klara Foti ; authors of the report : Klára Fóti ... [et al.]