Gerbeth Jones Susan : A scanning electron microscope survey of the epidermis of East African grasses / P.G. Palmer, A.E. Tucker, S. Gerbeth-Jones.
Gerbier Balthazar Sir 1562 1667 : A new-years result, in favour of the poore; as also in the behalf of all tradesmen, necessitous persons, and such others, as desire the encrease of traffique; who minde the exterpation of intollerable usury, and the anihilating of the pernitious costoms of forfeitures. : Together with that which may be justly expected from all men of estates on the like case, who cannot be ignorant that such as endeavor not to promote the publique good, are no better than brutes with hoofs and hornes. All which is discust by way of conference between Mean-well and Experience. / By Sr. Balthazar Gerbier, Knight.
Gerbier Laurent : Conseil à la France désolée / Sébastien Castellion ; édité par Florence Alazard, Stéphan Geonget, Laurent Gerbier, Paul-Alexis Mellet et Romain Menini.
Gerbilskii N L : Soveshchanie embriologov v Leningrade, 25-31 ianvaria 1955 g. : tezisy dokladov / redkollegiia : N.L. Gerbil'skii, G.P. Korotkova i B.P. Tokin.
Gerbner George : Triumph of the image : the media's war in the Persian Gulf : a global perspective / edited by Hamid Mowlana, George Gerbner, Herbert I. Schiller.
Gerbod Paul : La condition universitaire en France au XIXe siecle.
Gerbod Paw : La vie quotidienne dans les lycees et colleqes au XXIXe siecle.
Gerboth Walter : An index to musical festschriften and similar publications.
Gergel Richard : Jonathan Jasper Wright and the early African American Bar in South Carolina : a retrospective / moderators: Jean H. Toal and Richard M. Gergel ; co-sponsored by the South Carolina Bar Foundation, the University of South Carolina School of Law and the South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education Division.
Gerhard Anette 1956 : Time pioneers : flexible working time and new lifestyles / Karl H. Horning, Anette Gerhardt, and Matthias Michailow ; translated by Anthony Williams.