Gioulakis Mike : It follows / Northern Lights Films presents an Animal Kingdom production ; in association with Two Flints ; a film by David Robert Mitchell ; written and directed by David Robert Mitchell ; produced by Rebecca Green, Laura D. Smith, David Robert Mitchell ; produced by David Kaplan, Erik Rommesmo.
Giovannoni Elena : Handbook of historical methods for management [electronic resource] / edited by Stephanie Decker, William M. Foster, Elena Giovannoni.
Gipps J H W : The ecology of woodland rodents, bank voles and wood mice : the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological Society of London on 23rd and 24th of November 1984 / edited by J.R. Flowerdew, J. Gurnell, and J.H.W. Gipps.
Gips James 1946 : Mastering Excel : a problem-solving approach / James Gips.
Gipson Brooklyne : Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination : Case Studies of Creative Social Change / ed. by Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro.