Godefroy Vincent : The dramatic genius of Verdi : studies of selected operas.
Godeke Kolbe Stefanie 1966 : Subjektfiguren und Literaturverständnis nach Auschwitz : Romane und Essays von Christa Wolf.
Godel Jean : Spiritualité, theologie et résistance : Yves de Montcheuil, theologien au maquis du Vercors : Colloque de Biviers / sous la direction de P. Bolle et J. Godel.
Godelevaeus Wilhelmus Active 16th Century : Titi Liuij Patauini Romanae historiae principis : libri omnes, quotquot ad nostram ætatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi : quibvs adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci, annotationibus vtilissimis, varietatem seu dissensionem authorum circa consulum Romanorum nomina demonstrata illustrata.
Godfrey Derek : Guessing game : an exciting new thriller / by Eve Ward ; directed by Marc Miller.
Godfrey Edward K : The island of Nantucket : what it was and what it is, being a complete index and guide to this noted resort : containing descriptions of everything on or about the island in regard to which the visitor or resident may desire information : including its history, people, agriculture, botany, conchology and geology, with maps of the town and the island / compiled by Edward K. Godfrey.