Grenfell Joanne : The application of some of the recommendations of the Swann Report to the teaching of R.E. in a rural secondary school in Humberside.
Grenfield Henry : God in the creature : being a poem in three parts : viz. a song of praise in contemplation of creation and providence in general : with a debate touching providence in particular by way of dialogue ... : with several other poems and odes / by Henry Grenfield.
Grenfield Nathaniel 1588 Or 9 : The great day, or, A sermon, setting forth the desperate estate and condition of the wicked at the day of iudgement : Preached at Saint Andrews in Holborne at London By Nathaniel Grenfield, Master of Artes, and preacher of the Word of God at Whit-field in Oxfordshire.
Grenier Jean Etienne : L'Eglise et la democratie, une histoire de l'Europe politique / traduit de l'allemand par Isabelle Schobinger von Schowingen, avec la collaboration de Philippe Naszalyi et Jean-Etienne Grenier.
Grent William : A new and accurate map of the world : drawne according to the truest descriptions, latest discoueries, and best obseruations that haue been made by English or strangers. VVith briefe and most plaine notes vpon the vvhole body of cosmographie, for the easie vnderstanding thereof: pleasant and vsefull for all such as desire to know further then of their owne home.