Gwilym Robert 1956 : On the black hill [videorecording] / directed by Andrew Grieve.
Gwin John 1605 : Articles ministred by His Majesties commissioners for causes ecclesiasticall, presented to the high court of Parliament against John Gwin, vicar of Cople in the county of Bedford : wherein is discovered his lascivious wenching, drunkenesse and wanton life and most vild and unbecoming courses, most unfit for his function.
Gwin Thomas 1656 1720 : To the children of Friends, and other young people belonging to Falmouth, and elsewhere
Gwinn Nancy E : Fair representations : world's fairs and the modern world / edited by Robert W. Rydell [and] Nancy E. Gwinn ; with contributions from James B. Gilbert ... [et al.].
Gwizdz Andrzej : The state system of the Polish People's Republic.
Gwosdek Hedwig : A checklist of English grammatical manuscripts and early printed grammars, c. 1400-1540 / Hedwig Gwosdek.
Gwyer Maurice Linford : Speeches and documents on the Indian constitution, 1921-47 / selected by Sir M. Gwyer and A. Appadorai; with an introd. by A. Appadorai.
Gwyn Daniel : The case of Mr. Daniel Gwyn, agent for the Spanish pacquet-boats, : in relation to Mr. John Russel's charge against him for pretended mismanagement in that imploy.
Gwyn David Active 1588 : Certaine English verses penned by Dauid Gwyn, who for the space of eleuen yeeres and ten moneths was in most grieuous seruitude in the gallies vnder the King of Spaine, and nowe lately by the wonderfull prouidence of God, deliuered from captiuitie, to the ouerthrow of many of the Spaniards, and the great reioycing of all true hearted English men. Presented to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie in the Parke at Saint Iames on Sunday the xviii. of August 1588. by Dauid Gwyn, as foloweth
Gwyn H : A declaration of the gentlemen and inhabitants of the county of Brecknock, : concerning their firm resolutions for the Parliament, in adhering to the judgement and determination thereof, as to the supream court of judicature of the kingdom. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the declaration of the gentlemen and inhabitants of the county of Brecknock, of Nov. 23. 1645. be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Gwyn Jones Gareth : Spotlight on the English language : a teacher's resource book.