Hamilton Faria Hope : The farces of Gil Vicente : a study in the stylistics of satire.
Hamilton Frances Lady : A soveraign remedy against atheism and heresy. : Fitted for the vvit and vvant of the British nations / by M. Thomas Anderton.
Hamilton Francis Of Silvertown Hill : King Iames his encomium· Or A poeme, in memorie and commendation of the high and mightie monarch Iames; King of great Britaine. France, and Ireland &c. our late soveraigne, who deceased at Theobalds. vpon Sunday the 27. of March. 1625. By Francis Hamiltoun, of Silvertown-hill
Hamilton George Livingstone : The indebtedness of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde to Guido dell Calonne's Historia Trojana.
Hamilton George Major General : Election for the district of Pittenweem, &c. : Sir John Anstruther, bar. sitting member. Major General George Hamilton, petitioner. The Petitioner's case.
Hamilton Henry Parr : The Privy Council and the National Society : the question concerning the management of Church of England Schools stated and examined.
Hamilton Holman : Prologue to conflict : the crisis and compromise of 1850.
Hamilton James 1961 : Transparency in politics and the media : accountability and open government / edited by Nigel Bowles, James T. Hamilton and David A.L. Levy.