Harbotle Henry : To the Parliament of England Scotland and Ireland. The humble petition of Henry Harbotle, on the behalf of himself and above 100 of the poor tenants within the Barony of Langley in the county of Northumberland.
Harbour Michael : The coaching toolkit : a practical guide for your school / Shaun Allison and Michael Harbour.
Harbourd William Esq : The case of the right honourable William Harbourd, Esq; and Sir Francis Guybon, knight, : chosen members for thr burrough of Thetford, to serve in this present Parliament.
Harbourn C L A : Vapour phase chromatography / edited by D.H. Desty, assisted by C.L.A. Harbourn.
Harbridge Elinor : Learning together : report of a seminar led by Dan Hobbs / edited by Elinor Harbridge.
Harchies Josse De 1580 : Pro instauratione reipublicae angl : proq[ue]; illustrisimi domini Reginaldi Poli. sanctæ Romanæ ecclesiæ tituli sanctæ mariæ in cosmedim, diaconi cardinalis, sedis apostolicæ legati à latere. Oratio ad prudentissimum senatu[m] Angl. Authore Iodoco Harchio Montensi.
Harcourt Henri De Lorraine Comte De 1601 1666 : The French charity / written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England ; and translated into English by F.S.J.E.
Harcourt Of Stanton Harcourt Simon Harcourt Viscount 1661 1727 : The speech of the Right Honourable the Lord Keeper, in Her Majesty's court of Exchequer, : on Friday the first of June, 1711. to the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford; upon his Lordship's taking the usual oath, as Lord High-Treasurer of Great-Britain.
Harcourt Simon Harcourt 1661 1727 : John Fox Gent. plaintiff; and Simon Harcourt Esq; defendant. In a writ of error brought by the plaintiff upon a judgment given against him in the Court of King's Bench, : in an action of indebitatus assumpsit, there brought by Mr. Harcourt against Mr. Fox, for trying the right of the place of clerkship of the peace for the county of Middlesex.
Harcourt Simon Sir 1603 1642 : A letter sent from Sr. Simon Harcourt, : to a worthy member of the House of Commons. VVith a true relation of the proceedings of the English army, under his command, to this present March. Whereunto is added the many miraculous deliverances, in the relieving and defending of the city of Tredagh, by the providence of God. Exactly related, by the minister of the same town, who was an eye witnesse thereof, and is still resident there.