Hardman De Bautista M J : Papers on linguistics and child Language : Ruth Hirsch Weir memorial volume / edited by V. Honsa and M.J. Hardman-de-Bautista.
Hardmeat Tobias 1703 : For the magistrates & other officers in Huntingtonshire who have been concern'd in the spoiling the goods of the innocent who meet together in obedience to the requirings of the good spirit of the Lord to worship him in his own way
Hardmeier Jorge : Artaud for beginners / Gabriela Stoppelman ; illustrated by Jorge Hardmeier.
Hardon Anita : Monitoring family planning and reproductive rights : a manual for empowerment / Anita Hardon ... [et al.].
Hardon J J : Observations on natural pollination in commercial plantings of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis, in Malaya / by J. J. Hardon and P. D. Turner.
Hardouin E : Java : tooneelen uit het leven, karakterschetsen en kleederdrachten van Java's bewoners / in afbeeldingen naar de natuur geteekend door E. Hardouin; met tekst van W.L. Ritter.
Hardouin Fugier Elisabeth : Zoo : a history of zoological gardens in the West / Éric Baratay, Élisabeth Hardouin-Fugier.
Hardouin Jean : Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII / interpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes Harduinus ...
Hardres Peter : Prossō kai opissō : a sermon eqvally pointing forvvard & backward, as it was deliver'd in the Vniversity Church of Saint Maries in Cambridge / by P.H., B. of Divinity, and sometime fellow of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge, in his forenoone course before that universitie, upon the 22 day of November, in the yeare 1640, being the beginning of this present parliament.
Hardres Thomas Sir 1610 1681 : Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, in the years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, and 1660 : and from thence continued to the 21st year of the reign of His late Majesty King Charles II / the whole taken and collected by Sir Thomas Hardres ...
Hardress Waller Sir 1604 1666 : The declaration of Sir Hardresse Waller, Major General of the Parliaments forces in Ireland, and the Council of Officers there.
Hardstaff R E : Human cargo : and the Southwell connection : a record of a slave trading voyage of the eighteenth century and the links with people living in the Southwell area at that time / by R. E. Hardstaff.