Haydock John : A collection of the Christian writings, labours, travels, and sufferings of that faithful and approved minister of Jesus Christ, Roger Haydock : to which is added an account of his death and burial.
Haydock Stephen 1960 : Acute medicine : a symptom-based approach / edited by Stephen Haydock, Consultant Physician, Tanuton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, UK, Duncan Whitehead, Consultant Nephrologist and Physician, Tanuton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, UK, Zoë Fritz, Consultant Acute Physician, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in Bioethics at the Universities of Warwick and Cambridge, UK.
Haydocke Richard : Trattato dell'arte de la pittura, scultura, et architettura. Book 1-5. English
Haydone William : The true picture and relation of Prince Henry his noble and vertuous disposition : containing certaine observations and proofes of his towardly and notable inclination to vertue, of the pregnancie of his wit, farre above his age, comprehended in sundry of his witty and pleasant speaches. By W.H. With the true relation of the sicknesse and death of the same most illustrious prince, vvith the opening of his body. Written by a famous doctor of physick in French, and newly translated into English.
Haydu George G : Patterns of integration from biochemical to behavioral processes / editor and conferences chairman G.G.Haydu.
Haydu Jeffrey : Between craft and class : skilled workers and factory politics in the United States and Britain, 1890-1922.
Hayduk Leslie Alec : Structural equation modeling with LISREL : essentials and advances / Leslie A. Hayduk.