Hepburn Adam : Papers relating to the Army of the Solemn League and Covenant,1643-1647 / mainly the accounts of Adam Hepburn, edited with an introduction by C.S.Terry.
Hepburn Alexa : Discursive research in practice : new approaches to psychology and interaction / edited by Alexa Hepburn and Sally Wiggins.
Hepburn Alexander : Theses problemata, et disputationes aliquot philosophicæ : quas deo propitio, pro virili propugnabunt adolescentes 32. rude magisteriali donandi, ex Academia Iacobi Regis Hac vice cum Laurea emittendi, ad diem 9. kal. Augusti, Edinburgi, in æde sacra australi. Præside Alexandro Hepburno.
Hepburn George : Tarrugo unmasked, or an Answer to a late pamphlet intituled, Apollo mathematicus : by George Hepburn, M.D., and member of the Colledge of Phisicians at Edinburgh ... To which is added by Doctor Pitcairne, The theory of the internal diseases of the eye demonstrated mathematically.
Hepburn Ian : Flowers of the coast / with a chapter on coastal physiography by J.A. Steers.
Hepburn James Davidson : Twenty years in Khama's country; and, Pioneering among the Batauana of Lake Ngami / told in the letters of J.D. Hepburn; edited by C.H. Lyall.
Hepinus Joannes : De arte concionandi formulæ : vt breues, ita doctæ & piæ. Ioanne Reuclino Phorcensi, anonymo quodam rhapsodo, Philippo Melancthone, D. Ioanne Hepino, autoribus. Eiusdem Melancthonis discendæ Theologiæ rationem, ad calcem adiecimus.
Heppell Muriel : Yugoslavia,Part One : The history of the Yugoslav lands up to the outbreak of the first world war by Muriel Heppell.Part two : The birth of Yugoslavia and the modern state,by F.B.Singleton.
Heppell Raymond P : Exercises in careers education : principles and practice / David Cleaton ; with teachers' notes edited by Ray Heppell.
Heppner Mary J : Writing and publishing your thesis, dissertation, and research : a guide for students in the helping professions / P. Paul Heppner, Mary J. Heppner.