Hiemstra L M : Tweetalige woordeboek = Bilingual dictionary : [Afrikaans-Engels, English-Afrikaans] / D.B. Bosman, I.W. Van der Merwe, L.M. Hiemstra.
Hiemstra Lourens A V : Engineering judgment and small area flood peaks / by L.A.V. Hiemstra and B.M. Reich.
Hiemstra Minke : Bewogen en bewegen : de historicus in het spanningsveld tussen economie en cultuur : liber amicorum aangeboden aan H.F.J.M. van den Eerenbeemt ... / verzorgd door W. Frijhoff en M. Hiemstra.
Hiemstra Nancy : Detain and deport : the chaotic U.S. immigration enforcement regime / Nancy Hiemstra.
Hieron John 1608 1681 : The way to salvation, or, The doctrine of life eternal : laid down in several texts of Scripture opened and applyed having a mutual dependance on each other : fitted to the capacity of the meanest Christian and usefull for all families / by J. Hufsey.
Hieron Samuel : The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. : Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authoritie. / By Samuel Hieron, minister of the gospel..
Hieronymus De Paiva : Brevissimum totius conimbricensis logicæ compendium. Per Hieronymum de Paiva lusitanum, quondam ex societate, quæ dicitur Iesu, iam autem Dei gratia reformatæ ecclesiæ silium indinissimum
Hieronymus Foroliviensis : Chronicon ab anno MCCCXCVII usque ad annum MCCCCXXXIII / a cura de A. Pasini.
Hieronymus Magomastix : The strange vvitch at Greenvvich, : (ghost, spirit, or hobgoblin) haunting a wench, late servant to a miser, suspected a murtherer of his late vvife: with curious discussions of walking spirits and spectars of dead men departed, for rare and mysticall knowledge and discourse / by Hieronymus Magomastix. April 24. 1650. Imprimatur. John Dovvname.
Hierro Agustin De Active 17th Century : The process, and pleadings in the court of Spain upon the death of Anthonie Ascham resident for the Parliament of England, and of John Baptista Riva his interpreter, : who were kill'd by John Guillim, William Spark, Valentine Progers, Jo. Halsal, William Arnet, Henrie Progers. Who are all in close prison in Madrid for the said fact, except Henry Progers, who fled to the Venetian ambassador's hous, and so escaped. / Sent from Madrid from a person of qualitie and made English.
Hiers Richard Hyde : Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God / by Johannes Weiss, translated [from the German] and with an introduction by R. H. Hiers and D.L. Holland.
Hiery Hermann : Imperium / Empire / Reich : ein Konzept politischer Herrschaft im deutsch-britischen Vergleich = an Anglo-German comparison of a concept of rule / herausgegeben von Franz Bosbach und Hermann Hiery in Zusammenarbeit mit Christoph Kampmann.
Hiery Hermann Joseph : European impact and Pacific influence : British and German colonial policy in the Pacific Islands and the indigenous response / edited by Hermann J. Hiery and John M. MacKenzie.
Hiesinger Kathryn B : Design since 1945 : [catalogue of an exhibition held at] Philadelphia Museum of Art [Oct.16, 1983 - Jan.8, 1984].
Hiesinger Ulrich W : Impressionism in America : the Ten American Painters.