Hitchcock C : Plant lipid biochemistry : the biochemistry of fatty acids and acyl lipids, with particular reference to higher plants and algae / ed C. Hitchcock and B.W. Nichols.
Hitchcock C Leo : Vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest / by C.L. Hitchcock and others.
Hitchcock Jayne A : Net crimes & misdemeanors : outmaneuvering web spammers, stalkers, and con artists / by J.A. Hitchcock ; edited by Loraine Page.
Hitchcock John : The reasonableness and necessity of the Christian faith : manifested in a sermon / preach'd before the right honourable the lord mayor at Guild-Hall Chapel, Oct. 17, 1697, by John Hitchcock ...
Hitchcock John H : The Routledge Handbook for Advancing Integration in Mixed Methods Research [electronic resource] / edited by John H. Hitchcock, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie.
Hitchcock John H Educational Psychologist : The Routledge handbook for advancing integration in mixed methods research / edited by John H. Hitchcock and Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie.
Hitchcock John Student In The Middle Temple : A sanctuary for honest men. Or An abstract of humane wisedome : Contayning, a certaine way leading to a perfect knowledge of Man, and directing to a discreet cariage in the vvhole course of our humane condition. Collected and composed by Io: Hitchcock student in the Middle Temple.
Hitchcock Louise : Aegean art and architecture / Donald Preziosi and Louise A. Hitchcock.
Hitchcock Robert Active 1580 1591 : The quintesence of wit : being a corrant comfort of conceites, maximies, and poleticke deuises / selected and gathered together by Francisco Sansouino ; wherin is set foorth sundrye excellent and wise sentences, worthie to be regarded and followed ; translated out of the Italian tung, and put into English for the benefit of all those that please to read and vnderstand the works and worth of a worthy writer.