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Author Hobson, Thomas, Keeper of Newgate Gaol, Bristol.
Title The Bristol-narrative: or, A just account of the imprisonment and death of John Thompson, a conventicling-preacher there. Given upon oath by Thomas Hobson Gent. Keeper of His Majesties Goal of Newgate, within that city. Wherein the phanatick-relations concerning his usage and death, are found false and impudent
Alternative Title Bristol-narrative
Just account of the imprisonment and death of John Thompson, a conventicling-preacher there.
Publication Info London : printed by William Godbid, M. DC. LXXV. [1675]

Descript 8, [2] p.
Note Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
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Author Hobson, Thomas, Keeper of Newgate Gaol, Bristol.
Series Early English books online.
Subject Thompson, John, -1675
Alternative Title Bristol-narrative
Just account of the imprisonment and death of John Thompson, a conventicling-preacher there.
Descript 8, [2] p.
Note Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Author Hobson, Thomas, Keeper of Newgate Gaol, Bristol.
Series Early English books online.
Subject Thompson, John, -1675
Alternative Title Bristol-narrative
Just account of the imprisonment and death of John Thompson, a conventicling-preacher there.

Subject Thompson, John, -1675
Descript 8, [2] p.
Note Reproduction of the original in the British Library.

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