Instituto Universitario Ortega Y Gasset : El papel de la Comisión Europea como motor de integración : análisis desde una perspectiva de "gobernación multinivel".
Instituttet For Fremtidsforskning : A study of the evolution of concentration in the Danish cement industry / by the Institute for Future Studies.
Instituttet For Fremtidsfos : A study of the evolution of concentration and prices in the food and beverages industries for Denmark, by the Institute for Future Studies.
Instituttet For Udviklingsforsking : Watering white elephants? : lessons from donor funded planning and implementation of rural water supplies in Tanzania.
Institutum Romanum Norvegiae : Christ in the council hall : studies in the religious iconography of the Venetian Republic / Staale Sinding-Larsen ; with a contribution by A. Kuhn
Instituut De Vooys : Vier inleidende colleges over Middelnederlandse literatuur.
Instituut Voor Het Archeologisch Patrimonium : Military studies in medieval Europe : papers of the "Medieval Europe Brugge 1997" conference, volume 11 / edited by Guy De Boe & Frans Verhaeghe.
Instytut Baden Spraw Narodowosciowych : Les cartes de l'établissement de la population polonaise et lithuanienne sur la territoire de la République Lithuanienne et dans les régions nord-est de la République Polonaise.
Instytut Fryderyka Chopina Warsaw : Variations pour flute with piano accompaniment / edited I.J. Paderewski, L. Bronarski, J. Turczynski.