Jennings Andrew : The new lords of the rings : Olympic corruption and how to buy gold medals.
Jennings Anne Liara : Alfred Doblin's quest for spiritual orientation, with special reference to the novels Die drei Sprunge des Wang-Lun, Berlin Alexanderplatz and Babylonische Wandrung.
Jennings Anthony : The challenge of development in the eighties : our response / edited by A. Jennings and T.G. Weiss.
Jennings Evelyn P : Building the Atlantic empires : unfree labor and imperial states in the political economy of capitalism, ca. 1500-1914 / by John Donoghue, Evelyn P. Jennings.
Jennings Hubert : The case of Major Hubert Jennings, and Captain Matthew Coudell: most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons..