Jennings Evelyn P : Building the Atlantic empires : unfree labor and imperial states in the political economy of capitalism, ca. 1500-1914 / by John Donoghue, Evelyn P. Jennings.
Jennings Hubert : The case of Major Hubert Jennings, and Captain Matthew Coudell: most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Honourable the House of Commons..
Jennings Locksmith : The information and examination of a smith and his journeyman committed to Newgate by Sir William Turner Knight, for conspiring the death of the King..
Jennings Marianne : Case studies in business ethics / Marianne M. Jennings.
Jennings Paul 1799 1874 : A slave in the White House : Paul Jennings and the Madisons / Elizabeth Dowling Taylor ; with foreword by Annette Gordon-Reed. And, A colored man's reminiscences of James Madison by Paul Jennings.
Jennings Ralph : The description of heaven. Or, A diuine and comfortable discourse of the nature of the eternall heaven : the habitation of God, and all the Elect. Composed in Latine, by Cunradus Aslachus. And conuerted into English, by Raph Iennings.
Jennings Rebecca : Tomboys and bachelor girls : a lesbian history of post-war Britain 1945-71 / Rebecca Jennings.
Jennings Reg : Business elites : the psychology of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs / Reg Jennings, Charles Cox, and Cary L. Cooper.