Jutting Gerd : Hormonale Enzyminduktion im Myometrium-Beispiel einer Ostrogenwirk-ung am Erfolgsorgan.
Juul Anders : Growth hormone in adults : physiological and clinical aspects / edited by Anders Juul and Jens O.L. Jørgensen.
Juul Jensen Harald : Ordbog over det danske sprog / grundlagt af Verner Dahlerup; med understøttelse af Undervisningsministeriet og Carlsbergfondet udg. af det Danske sprog. og litterturselskab.
Juvenal Des Ursins Jean : Ecrits politiques de Jean Juvenal des Ursins / publies pour la Societe de l'Histoire de France par P.S. Lewis avec le concours de A.-M. Hayez.
Juvencus Caius Vettius Aquilinus : Iuuenci Hispani Presbyteri historia evangelica, versu heroico descripta : claruit sub Constantino Magno, anno Domini ccc.xxx.
Juvet Richard S : Gas-Liquid chromatography : theory and practice.
K : Cases of A - Fey v. Austria, judgment of 24 February 1993 : B - K. v. Austria, judgment of 2 June 1993 : C - Hoffmann v. Austria, judgment of 23 June 1993 : D - Windisch v. Austria (Article 50), judgment of 28 June 1993.
K R : Two Letters from Colonell Morgan governour of Gloucester, to severall members of the honourable House of Commons. : Relating the Summons, Answer, and the manner of taking the town and castle of Monmouth: And therein 7. pieces of ordnance. 4. sling-pieces. 300. muskets. 100. Pikes, 10. barrels of powder, with bullet and match proportionable. 24. barrels of peter & brimstone. All other ammunition & provision : Likewise two letters from an officer in Monmouth, concerning the free comming in of the country to block up Hereford, and the driving M. Gen. Washington with 1500 horse and foot out of Glamorganshire.
K S Raman : Information technology and Singapore society : trends, policies and implications / edited by C.Y.E. Kuo, L.C. Meng, K.S. Raman.
K T : Resistance continues,reports from South Korea.