Keynes Seminar 5th 1980 Canterbury : Keynes as a policy adviser : the fifth Keynes Seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1980 / edited by A.P. Thirlwall.
Keynes Seminar 6th 1983 Canterbury : Keynes and his contemporaries : the sixth and centennial Keynes Seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1983 / edited by G.C. Harcourt.
Keynes William Milo : Evolutionary studies : a centenary celebration of the life of Julian Huxley : proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium of the Eugenics Society, London, 1987 / edited by W.M. Keynes, G.A. Harrison.
Keynton Thomas : A briefe representation of the sad and lamentable condition of that once flourishing town of Marlborough, in Wiltshire, as it hath been represented by severall letters from credible persons of that place to their friends in London.
Keyser Martin De 1537 : The praierand [sic] complaynte of the ploweman vnto Christe: writte[n] not longe after the yere of oure Lorde a thousande and thre hundred..