Kleijn P G M De : Nederlands in culturele context : handelingen Twaalfde Colloquium Neerlandicum, Antwerpen, 1994 / redactie: Th.A.J.M. Janssen, P.G.M. de Kleijn, A.M. Musschoot.
Kleim Ralph L : The people side of project management / Ralph L. Kliem and Irwin S. Ludin.
Kleiman Mark : When brute force fails : how to have less crime and less punishment / Mark A.R. Kleiman.
Kleiman Robert : The resource potential in phytochemistry : [proceedings of the nineteenth annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America, held at Northern Illinois University, August 12-15, 1979].
Klein Amanda Ann 1976 : Cycles, sequels, spin-offs, remakes, and reboots : multiplicities in film and television / edited by Amanda Ann Klein and R. Barton Palmer.
Klein Ana Maria : Learning how children process mathematical problems.
Klein Andreu Flora : Discourse perspectives on syntax / edited by F. Klein-Andreu.
Klein Anton Edler Von 1748 1810 : Günther von Schwarzburg : Oper in drei Akten / herausgegeben von Hermann Kretzschmar ; in Neuaufl. herausgegeben und kritisch revidiert von Hans Joachim Moser.
Klein Barbara P : Sensory science theory and applications in foods / Harry T. Lawless, Barbara P. Klein.
Klein Barry L : Children's play and playgrounds / by Joe L. Frost and Barry L. Klein.
Klein Benjamin Ph D : Irwin Klein and the new settlers : photographs of counterculture in New Mexico / edited by Benjamin Klein ; with essays by David Farber, Tom Fels, Tim Hodgdon, Benjamin Klein, and Lois Rudnick ; foreword by Daniel Kosharek ; Introduction by Michael William Doyle University of Nebraska Press.