Ladik Janos : Electronic structure of polymers and molecular crystals : [lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute ... Namur, Belgium, September 1-14, 1974].
Ladils Piere De : Deux manuscripts Provencaux du XIVe, siecle / edited by J.B. Novlet and by C. Chabaneau.
Ladimer Bethany : Colette, Beauvoir, and Duras : age and women writers.
Ladinsky Herbert : Cholinergic mechanisms : proceedings of a symposium held March 11-15, 1980.
Ladkin Adele : Tourism employment : analysis and planning / Michael Riley, Adele Ladkin, and Edith Szivas.
Ladkin Donna : Mastering the ethical dimension of organizations : a self-reflective guide to developing ethical astuteness / Donna Ladkin.
Ladle Richard J : Conservation biogeography [electronic resource] / edited by Richard J. Ladle and Robert J. Whittaker.
Ladley John : Data governance : how to design, deploy, and sustain an effective data governance program / John Ladley.
Ladner Gerhart B : Images and ideas in the Middle Ages : selected studies in history and art.
Ladner Gottlieb : Seipel als Uberwinder der Staatskrise vom Sommer 1922 : zur Geschichte der Entstehung der Genfer Protokolle vom 4. Oktober 1922.
Lado Maria Dolores : Las guerras Carlistas y el reinado Isabelino en la obra de Ramon del Valle Inclan.
Ladron De Guevara Jose Maria De Agustin : Ensayo de un catalogo bio-bibliografico de escritores judeo-espanoles-portugueses del siglo X al XIX / J.M. de A. Ladron de Guevara y M.L. Salvador Barahone.
Lady Active 1701 : The whole duty of a woman: or a guide to the female sex : From the age of sixteen to sixty, &c. Being directions, how women of all qualities and conditions, ought to behave themselves in the various circumstances of this life, for their obtaining not only present, but future happiness. I. Directions how to obtain the divine and moral virtues of piety, meekness, modesty, chastity, humility, compassion, temperance and affability, with their advantages, and how to avoyd the opposite vices. II. The duty of virgins, directing them what they ought to do, and what to avoyd, for gaining all the accomplishments required in that state. With the whole art of love, &c. 3. The whole duty of a wife, 4. The whole duty of a widow, &c. Also choice receipts in physick and chirurgery. With the whole art of cookery, preserving, candying, beautifying, &c. Written by a lady.
Lady Of Honour : The golden island, or, The Darian song : in commendation of all concerned in that noble enterprize of the valiant Scots / by a lady of honour.
Ladyman Samuel 1625 1684 : The dangerous rule, or, A sermon preached at Clonmel in the province of Munster in Ireland, upon Aug. 3, 1657 before the reverend judges for that circuit / by S.L., Master in Arts, and lately fellow of C.C.C. in Oxon.
Laermer Richard 1960 : Full frontal PR : getting people talking about you, your business, or your product / by Richard Laermer with Michael Prichinello.