Lake District Special Planning Board : A study of the Hartsop Valley / prepared by Rural Planning Services Ltd., M.J. Feist, P.M.K. Leat and G.P. Wibberley.
Lake Fiona : Voices from the dark : women and children in Yorkshire coal mines.
Lake H S Genevra : Poems of justice, inscribed to Eugene V. Debs and the Social Democrats of the world.
Lake Hazel : Progress by persuasion : the life of William Smith, 1756-1835 / Jenny Handley & Hazel Lake.
Lake J W : The poetical works of Thomas Moore / with a biographical and critical sketch by J.W. Lake.
Lake Jay : Writing fantasy & science fiction : how to create out-of-this-world novels and short stories / Orson Scott Card, Philip Athans, Jay Lake, and the editors of Writer's Digest.
Lake Osmund : Petri Jonam prophetam praelectiones 39.
Lake Osprey Orielle : The story is in our bones [electronic resource] : how worldviews and climate justice can remake a world in crisis / Osprey Orielle Lake ; foreword by Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca Nation.
Lake Quintin Research Fellow : Corporate leadership on modern slavery : how have companies responded to the UK Modern Slavery Act one year on? / Quintin Lake, Jamie MacAlister, Cindy Berman, Matthew Gitsham, Nadine Page.
Lake Susan : De Kooning : a retrospective / John Elderfield ; with Lauren Mahony, Jennifer Field, Delphine Huisinga, Jim Coddington, Susan F. Lake ; edited by David Frankel.
Lakes Richard D : Globalizing education for work : comparative perspectives on gender and the new economy / edited by Richard D. Lakes, Patricia A. Carter.
Lakes Thomas : Lakes. 1627. The Countrey-mans kalender: with a plain prognostication for the yeare of our Lord MDCXXVII : beeing the third after bissextile or leape yeare. In plaine English tearmes written for the plainest understanding: yet serviceable for the finest wits and best capacities. Gathered especially for the auncient citie of Lincolne. By Thomas Lakes.
Laketch Dirasse : The commoditization of the female sexuality : prostitution and socio-economic relations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Lakey George : A manual for direct action / edited by M.Oppenheimer and G.Lakey.