Landsteiner Karl : Specificity of serological reactions. consulting editors and conference cochairman / consulting editors and conference cochairman. M.W. Chase and W.J. Kahns.
Landstrom Hans : Handbook of research on venture capital [electronic resource]. Vol. 2, A globalizing industry / edited by Hans Landström, Colin Mason.
Landulphus The Younger : Historia mediolanensis ab anno MXCV usque ad annum MCXXXVII / a cura di C. Castiglioni.
Landvogt Erasmus : A compactification of the Bruat-Tits building.
Landweber Laura F 1967 : Genetics and the extinction of species : DNA and the conservation of biodiversity / Laura F. Landweber and Andrew P. Dobson, editors.
Landweber Peter S : Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Algebraic Topology : proceedings of a conference held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Sept. 15-17, 1986 / P.S. Landweber, editor ; Institute for Advanced Study.
Lane A Archibald : A key to the art of letters, or, English a learned language, full of art, elegancy and variety : being an essay to enable both foreiners, and the English youth of either sex, to speak and write the English tongue well and learnedly, according to the exactest rules of grammar, after which they may attain to Latin, French, or any other forein language in a short time ... : with a preface shewing the necessity of a vernacular grammar ... / by A. Lane ...
Lane A M J : The United Kingdom environmental change network : protocols for standard measurements at freshwater sites / edited by J.M. Sykes, A.M.J. Lane & D.G. George.
Lane A Thomas : Biographical dictionary of European labor leaders / A. Thomas Lane, editor-in-chief.
Lane Alan : The early church in Wales and the West : recent work in early Christian archaeology, history and place-names / edited by Nancy Edwards and Alan Lane.