Lang Janet M 1948 : Becoming enemies : U.S.-Iran relations and the Iran-Iraq War, 1979-1988 / James G. Blight, janet M. Lang, Hussein Banai, Malcolm Byrne, and John Tirman ; foreword by Bruce Riedel.
Lang Jennings 1915 1996 : The great Northfield, Minnesota, raid / a Jennings Lang presentation ; written and directed by Philip Kaufman.
Lang Joel Joel Manfred 1945 : Complicity : how the North promoted, prolonged, and profited from slavery / Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank ; with Cheryl Magazine, images editor ; foreword by Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham.
Lang John Dunmore 1799 1878 : Queensland, Australia : a highly eligible field for emigration and the future cotton-field of Great Britain.
Lang Matheson : Mr. Wu : a new Anglo-Chinese play, in three acts and two tableaux / by Harry M. Vernon and Harold Owen ; the play produced under the personal direction of Mr. Matheson Lang.
Lang Mervyn Francis : Spanish word formation : productive derivational morphology in the modern lexis.
Lang Michael A : Smithsonian at the Poles : contributions to International Polar Year science / Igor Krupnik, Michael A. Lang, and Scott E. Miller, editors.
Lang R G : Two Tudor subsidy assessment rolls for the City of London 1541 and 1582 / edited by R.G. Lang.
Lang Rachel : Legacies of British slave-ownership : colonial slavery and the formation of Victorian Britain / by Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland, Nick Draper, Kate Donington, Rachel Lang.