Leigh Dorothy Active 17th Century : The mother's blessing: or, The godly counsaile of a gentle-woman, not long since deceased, left behind her for her children: : contayning many good exhortations, and godly admonitions profitable for all parents, to leaue as a legacy to their children. / By Mris. Dorothy Leigh.
Leigh Edward E 1950 : Building schools for the future : renewing the secondary school estate : twenty-seventh report of session 2008-09 : report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence / House of Commons, Public Accounts Committee.
Leigh Egbert G : Tropical forest ecology : a view from Barro Colorado Island.
Leigh Hilary : Changing hospitals : a report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project / edited by G.F. Wieland and H. Leigh, assisted by E. Barnes.
Leigh John Of Camringham Lincolnshire : The saints rest, and revvard in heaven : Set forth in a sermon preached at the funerall of the most vertuous and truly religious gentlewoman, Mrs. Anne Tirwhytt, widdow of Robert Tirwhytt of Camringham in the county of Lincolne, Esq. Decemb. 8. 1652. By John Leigh, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Camringham near Lincolne.
Leigh Lauraine : Dramatherapy with children, young people and schools : enabling creativity, sociability, communication and learning / edited by Lauraine Leigh ... [et al.].
Leigh Michael : Mobilizing consent : public opinion and American foreign policy, 1937-1947.