Limbang Anak Melaka : Iban art of Borneo : sexual selection and severed heads : weaving, sculpture, tattooing and other arts of the Iban of Borneo / Michael Heppell, Limbang Anak Melaka, Enyan Anak Usen.
Limberg Margarete : Germans no more : accounts of Jewish everyday life, 1933-1938 / edited by Margarete Limberg and Hubert Rübsaat ; translated from the German by Alan Nothnagle.
Limberis Vasiliki 1954 : Divine heiress : the Virgin Mary and the creation of Christian Constantinople.
Limbert Mandana E : In the time of oil : piety, memory, and social life in an Omani town / Mandana E. Limbert.
Limbert Martin : A palaeoecological study of raised mires in the Humberhead levels / edited by P.C. Buckland and Martin Limbert, Thorne & Hatfield Moors Conservation Forum.
Limbird Lee E : Goodman & Gilman's The pharmacological basis of therapeutics.
Limbor J M : The working population and its structure / under the supervision of.
Limborch Philippus Van 1633 1712 : M. Simonis Episcopii S.S. Theologiæ in academia Leydensi quondam professoris. Opera theologica : Quorum catalogum versa pagina exhibet. Editio secunda, correctior & emendatior. Necnon Horæ Hebraicæ & Talmudicæ in Acta S. Apostolorum, et in partem aliquam Epistolæ D. Pauli ad Romanos autore reverendo, doctissimoq; viro Johanne Lightfoot, S.T.D. et aulæ S. Catharinæ, apud Cantabrigienses, non ita pridem præfecto. Opus nunc primum editum.
Limborch Philippusvan : Lettres inedites a ses amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe van Limborch, et Edward Clarke / publiecs pas...Henry Ollion..avec la collaborationde... T.J. de Boer.
Limbrick Elaine : That nothing is known = (Quod nihil scitur) / introd., notes and bibliography by E. Limbrick, Latin text established, annotated and translated by D.F.S. Thomson.
Limbrunner Alfred : The breeding birds of Europe : a photographic handbook.
Limbrunner George F : Applied strength of materials / Leonard Spiegel, George F. Limbrunner.
Limburg Stirum J P Van Graaf : Regeling van de ontrangst van-en de overgave van het bestuur van Nederlandsch-Indie aan den benoenden Gouverneur-Generaal den heer J.P. Graaf van Limburg Stirum en van de daarmede verbande hond-ende plechtigheden.
Limburgs Geschied En Oudheidkundig Genootschap : Kritische beschouwingen bij het werk van enige Limburgse geschiedschrijvers der laatste honderd jaren; Nalezing op de Maastrichtse charters in Parijs; overdruk uit "Publications", tome C, 1964, jaarboek van Limburgs Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap.
Limon L : L'Allemagne, champ de manoeuvre : le fascisme et la guerre / présenté par P. Langevin, L. Lévy-Bruhl et M. Prenant, adapté de l'allemand par L. Limon.
Limpenny D S : Environmental impact of marine colliery waste disposal operations on the sea bed off Seaham, County Durham / D.S. Limpenny, S.M. Rowlatt and P.M. Manning.